Devoted black lab owner
I have a 13 year old black lab female.
Over the last year she has lost a lot of weight and has become very gaunt from her mid section to her hip area.
Her appetite is still very strong, and she does not seem to act sick.
She seems to have good energy for a dog her age.
What may have caused the rapid weight loss?
Thanks for any info you may provide.
Hi Scott, from the description you have given me I would not feel comfortable guessing what it might be.
If your labs appetite is still very good but she is still losing so much weight, the best advice that I can give you over the internet is to take her straight to the vet.
It is best to check what could be causing this and check that it is nothing serious.
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Labrador hearing problems
by salman
I have just purchased a 3 1/2 year old lab, and he very well behaved, but sometimes I feel that he does not hear properly, may I know why this could be…
I would suggest taking your lab to a vet to make sure he does not have any hearing problems.
If the vet says his hearing is ok I would suggest going back to training basics. He may be looking for attention…getting used to his new surroundings…missing his old owners…it could be a variety of different reasons.
losing hair rear and tail area
My lab is 2 yrs old and has recently started to chew on the area where tail meets his rear.
He used to chew on his front paws when we first got him, but stopped after a few weeks.
He has not been fixed.
He eats store brand dog food which he seems to enjoy.
He has taken on a srong odor.
I can’t see any red blotches.
I have been cleaning with hyd.peroxide no help.
Cant take to vet for another week.For economic reasons.
What can I do in the meantime?
Any help would be apreciated.
This sounds like your lab could have flea dermatitis. It is caused by an allergy to flea saliva and therefore a single bite could cause it.
It causes itchiness and can lead to hair loss. It mostly affects the areas you have decribed.
Without seeing your lab it is difficult to suggest what it is. A vet would be your best bet if it keeps getting worse. I would however try a product such as frontline in case this is what is causing it. Frontline is the flea treatment we currently use for our Tasha.
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I don’t know how old this question is, but our yellow lab chewed his tail also and it turned out he was allergic to the dog food. Labs can be allergic to the ingredients in even good dog food. I believe for him it was soy and the fish meal. Ask your vet about allergies. There are some good resources if you google lab skin allergies.
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Labrador Shedding?
by Sowmya
I wanna know what are the reasons for hair shedding and what are the medicines given?
Please let me know the diet for a 4 and a half year old female lab so that its off diseases and becomes very healthy.
Also please let me know the soaps, shampoos which are available in Indian market.
What a beautiful dog Sowmya!
Labrador shedding is quite normal and the best way to keep it under control is by regular brushing.
Many people try to bath their dog very often, but that actually removes a lot of the natural oils out of the fur.
You may wish to try out a product like the one I have linked to below?
Perfect Care Furmaster
Unfortunately I don’t have much experience with the Indian market, but maybe our pages on lab nutrition would be of assistance to you.
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My 18 month old yellow lab is whimpering alot
by carol bodine
(newark del.)
He never just walked around and wined for no apparent reason. Could he be coming of age my friend has his sister and shes in heat could he be pineing for a female.
I have checked him out, I see nothing wrong with him he never has done this before he seem lonely even when we’re all right with him he still whimpers a little bit.
Your lab could be whimpering for a number of reasons. He could be lonely, hungry, hurting, sad …..
I would suggest the most important thing you should do is take him to the vet just to make sure that there is nothing wrong with him physically. If he has just started whimpering he might be hurt.
Once you get the all clear then we can start addressing other issues.
It could be because he is pining for a female. Is there a female living close to you? If there is and she is on heat he might be smelling her, which might be causing the whimpering.
Is your dog neutered? It might be an idea to look into doing this.
He might also just want a bit more attention. How many times does he get taken for a walk? Maybe more exercise will help, or playing with him, just basically keep him entertained.
Please come back and let us know when your lab is checked out, and let us know whether keeping him entertained with walks or dog toys helps your situation.