You can find Yellow, Brown and Black Labrador Retrievers all over the world. Although black labs were the first to be recognised today yellow labs appear to outnumber them. Owning a labrador of any colour is a joy but some kennels disqualify other off-colour labs. ‘Fox-red’, ‘white’ and ‘silver’ labradors are not allowed to be […]
Bathing your Labrador – The do’s and don’ts of Bathing your Labrador
Bathing Your Labrador can be loads of fun if you do it right My labrador, Tasha, does not like the idea of having a bath, let alone the word ‘bath’. Unlike a lot of other labradors she is not too fond of the water but she has become used to having the occasional bath and […]
Behavior Problems… stop dog jumping
Behavior Problems: Stopping Your Dog Jumping Up When Being Greeted Dog jumping on people is a highly social and usually dominant way for dogs to say “Hello.” Play-fighting by dominant types involves similar behavior. The socially bold dog that is isolated often jumps excitedly when a person enters its area. Removal of the causative factors, […]
Basic Puppy Etiquette: Continuing Mother’s Training
The term “etiquette” refers to an acceptable mode of social behavior. Unlike commands, which are executed only on order, manners color behavior at all times. Unless you and your dog still live in a cave, he will need some manners. Naturally, your pup’s mother began this phase of his education, teaching him to play gently, […]
All About dog Hip Dysplasia
Dog Hip Dysplasia is a well known joint problem that is found among Labradors. It is a genetic disease and it can produce different degrees of dog arthritis over time. This can be extremely painful for your Labrador and in many cases owners have elected to put their lab down because of the terrible state […]
Alopecia in Dogs – What causes it and how to recognise it.
The condition known as Alopecia affects the hair basically resulting in extreme hair loss in areas where there would usually be hair in abundance. It is, in effect, a very serious skin disease. The lack of hair in an area where it usually grows can be caused by chewing, scratching, self trauma and even the […]
All About Training Labrador Puppies
Your guide to labrador retriever puppy training! If you think training labrador puppies is tough, think again! When you bring home a pup, training can start straight away and before you know it you will have a fully housebroken labrador puppy. Puppies are constantly needing to ‘eliminate’ and will usually find a spot and continue […]
All About Mammary Gland Tumors
Mammary Gland Tumors – The basic ‘Need to Know’ Labradors, like humans, can suffer from tumors. The most common being mammary gland tumors. It is believed that this type of tumor accounts for about 52 percent of the total tumors reported in dogs. However, the number of tumors has decreased in recent years due to […]
All About Car Pet Travel
Learn all about Pet Travel for when you travel by car! Taking your labrador with you whenever you go shopping or for a weekend away is great fun. Its so easy to just jump in the car and go! If you ever thought twice about taking your labrador now is the time to just go […]
Advice for choosing your labrador retriever names.
Do you need help choosing your Labrador Retriever names?? Everyone should take a moment to think about what name they are going to give their Labrador. Its like giving a name to a child, it cant be rushed, unless you have had the perfect name in mind for years. Whichever name you choose you will […]