Thought of everything you need? Here is our Pet Travel Checklist!
Here is a list of items that could come in handy when you plan a holiday with your labrador!
Dog blanket – For both comfort and warmth in the car and in a dog container.
Dog food – For long journeys.
Clothing for colder climate – Keeping your labrador warm is important!
Sunglasses for hot climates – Why not buy some doggles! The latest in doggy fashion.
Dog toys – To keep your labrador amused either in the car or on the plane.
Dog treats – For when your labrador behaves on a trip.
First aid kit – Always needed just in case of an accident.
Proof of vaccines – When entering new countries you need this.
Recent photo – Vital if you happen to lose each other.
Passport if traveling abroad – For all passport control checkpoints and even police if they stop you.
Brush – For keeping your labs coat nice and clean.
Cleaning wipes – For accidents and walks in the mud!
Dont forget anything you need!